Interview profile


Are you our new interview profile?

By Jakob Zimmermann - April 13. 2024 - Photo: Sami Boudjelti /

Is it you we're looking for?

Our passion extends far beyond just the two wheels that propel us through the world. It also encompasses the countless stories and dreams that accompany us on our journey. We're eager to hear from inspiring individuals who have followed their calling – whether it's starting their own business, embarking on adventurous bike trips to distant destinations, or creating something unique that enriches the cycling culture and the community surrounding it. These stories are not just narratives; they are profound evidence that dreams can become reality if one dares to follow their heart and take the first step into the unknown.

"Perhaps you own a cozy cycling café, have founded an innovative cycling apparel brand, or created a delicious coffee specifically for cyclists"

Our mission is to bring our readers closer to the people behind these initiatives. We want to share the diversity of voices and stories. That's why we're seeking cycling enthusiasts from all corners of the world who are willing to share their stories with us. Perhaps you own a cozy cycling café, have founded an innovative cycling apparel brand, created a delicious coffee specifically for cyclists, organize exciting bike trips or unique cycling events, build the most amazing bikes or produce parts for bicycles, or something completely different.

Therefore, we are looking for individuals who share our passion for cycling to participate in interviews. If selected, these interviews will be conducted either online or face-to-face, depending on your location. For in-person meetings, we can arrange to bring along our talented photographer to document every moment with atmospheric photos and videos, so we can share your inspiring stories with our readers. Don't hesitate to contact us - your inspiring story could be the next one we share with our readers.


Check out

Cois Cycling Legacy
Shaved cycling legs
Airbone mini pump


We are looking for unique personalities and brands for exciting interviews

Are you the one?

We are seeking cycling enthusiasts!

From cozy cycling cafés and innovative cycling apparel brands to inspiring Instagram profiles and amazing people on cycling journeys. Are you or your brand ready to share your cycling universe with our readers? Contact us for an interview.

